Event Reports


2005/11/17 - 20

The sunny weather helped the 2005 tour to be very successful.

On the first day, we had the opportunity to visit 2 design agencies in Seoul.
The first agency we visited was LG Household & Health Care (LG Group), best cosmetics and toiletries maker on the Korean market. Usually such companies tend to keep away outsiders from their inside. However, they allowed us in and showed us around. They are making a very large variety of products, and are really concerned about the importance of package design.
The second agency, cd’s, is one of the main Korean design agencies.
They are creating high quality designs ranging from CI, BI, editorial to naming.
On the second day, the APD Seoul 2005 was held in Namisom Island. We felt very welcome by a large APD Seoul’s banner at our arrival.
Through the APDユs Asian network, we were able to contemplate many various designs from all over Asia.
During the APD Seoul 2005, we elected the best design for each country.
Concerning Japan, “Pola Cosmeticsモ was selected メbest design”.

APD Seoul 2005
To start, representatives of each Asian made a speech.
Then Kang Woo-Hyon, President of the Namisom Island, also renowned designer and artiste, talked about living with nature, challenges as an artist, and making a good relationship between countries through design and art.
And then we could learn about each area package design trends.
Mr Ippei Murata from Shiseido, representing JPDA, made a 15 minutes speech about the possibility in Japan to order by internet some very local domestic and talked about Japanese culture and traditions.
After the conference we could attend a big camp fire outside in the fields.
Every designers from all over Asia gathered together around the fire and promised to improve and expand APD.

The next APD, will take place in Shanghai, China, in November 2006.






